BLACKBEARD TIER - the PDFs of "Rhino," my art book "Elan Vital" (plus digital files), and "The King of Neverland"
Along with TWO (both covers) printed, signed, and personalized copies (upon request) of "The King Of Neverland," both signed by Siike AND Ashley.
This tier also comes with sketch card sized (2.5x3.5) watercolor painting of one of our characters (your choice) from THE KING OF NEVERLAND, by Ashley.
Plus the 3 print out Lost Children masks AND a printable Crown, like the one King Peter Pan wears in the story!
You'll also be an honorary member of the Lost Children and get the printed Thank You in "The King of Neverland."
Note: same shipping rules apply as the GROWN CHILD TIER ($40 tier) - with "Elan Vital" pdf and files sent to you with digital "Rhino" pdf in November.