B. Motional Scene Modeling The motional scene, including such moving objects as container, tractor-trailers and cranes, is driven and coordinated by the information that is stored in databases. In details, 1) Three types of textures are respectively created for different containers, e.g. 20 and 40 inches. 2) The gantry cranes, which possess both global and local motions, are rather complicated amongst modeling objects. These motions are so inter-dependent that are modeled according to the changes of object locations and sizes. This is fulfilled by adopting CreatorTM hierarchical data structure, i.e. OpenFlight. Degree of freedom (DOF) nodes are added into the modeling database hierarchy in order that special parts of gantry crane can move around, respectively. A DOF establishes a local coordinate system, and the geometry it controls moves towards the axes of the coordinate system. 3) The models of container tractor-trailers are significantly simplified in the form of presenting the appearance rather than structure of the tractor-trailers