The
recent
evidence
from
the
statistical
unit,
Siriraj
hospital
found
that
threatened
preterm
labour
which
had
no
treatment,
turned
to
be
preterm
labour
about
25%.
(1)
Some
cases
were
in
advanced
stage
of
labour
and
underwent
delivery.
Therefore
nifedipine
(2)
and
proluton
depot
were
interestingly
studied
for
inhibiting
contractions
in
case
of
threatened
preterm
labour.
Even
though
many
evidences
were
suggested
to
do
nothing
with
threatened
preterm
labour.
Our
study
suspected
that
if
threatened
preterm
labour
was
able
to
be
stopped,
the
evidence
of
preterm
birth
could
be
minimized
as
well
as
perinatal
mortality
and
morbidity.