Total anthocyanin concentration in the fruit juice blend without
Stevia was 21.8±0.1 mg/100 mL. However, total anthocyanin concentration
was higher when the fruit mixture was sweetened with
1.25% (w/v) Stevia (24.6±0.5 mg/100 mL) and 2.5% (w/v) Stevia
(28.8±0.3 mg/100 mL), respectively. Muanda, Soulimani, Diop, and
Dicko (2011) reported values of total anthocyanins (measured as
Cyaniding-3-glucoside) of 0.35±0.01 and 0.67±0.09 when they
studied Stevia water extracts and methanol–water extracts, respectively.
In addition, the anthocyanin content, expressed as relative retention,
ranged between 98% and 161% in HPP samples under the
studied experimental conditions. The reduced regression model for
total anthocyanins is presented in the Eq. (2):