Chapter 4 Climbing a Tree to Look for Fish
our live changed greatly after our move. Father decided to teach to the value of money We received pocket money and had no clothes except for our school uniforms had to walk to and from school daily For the boy, this was a five-kilometre walk each way Lydia's school was next to mine and was two and a half kilometres from our house. Trams ran almost from door to door. After Ye Ye's arrival from Tianjin, we asked him for the tram fare and were each given a little money every evening. when I got off the tram at the street corner leading to the school, I had to pass several small food shops selling fresh fruit. French bread, cream cakes and other wonderful things. It was di ficule for me to walk past there shops because I was always hungry and my pockets were always empty. In Tianjin Aunt Baba had allowed us to eat anything we liked for breakfast. Now we were allowed to have only one kind of breakfast the right food for children, according to Niang We were given a soup made of rice and water, with vegetables others in the family had little money too On his return to Shanghai, Ye Ye had moved all of hi money from Tianjin to Father's Shanghai bank account. Al the money was now in Father's name Nang was the only other peron who was able to sign for it Like King Lear, Ye Ye signed away his fortune Ye Ye