It's plainly obvious that you have the money to be able to pay for your university course! It seems that whatever Kai tells you that is best for you, you go and do completely the opposite! I am absolutely furious at what you have done, that money could have been spent on things that were really needed and not cosmetic surgery! Do you think that I work my arse off over here, just so you can do whatever you like? Congratulations, you really have cut off your opportunity for the things that Kai and I were prepared to do for you! So sad, we had so many plans for you! Good luck in finding the money that you require for the next 4 years! I'm sure your mum and Ian will be able to provide all the money that you need! Oops maybe not if Ian finds out the truth!!! Saying sorry when you don't mean it is not worth the words being said! Next time don't bother as you said sorry to me and Kai this year and you promised Kai that you wouldn't have the operation! You haven't learnt from your previous mistakes! Lies on top of lies on top of more lies! We hate lies! Obviously whatever we have taught you, doesn't seem to have worked! We both hope that you work things out quickly as we both believe you aren't that stupid! However, carrying on the way you are, we aren't holding out much hope! When you do work it out and I mean REALLY WORK IT OUT then speak to us! Do we look stupid, because believe me we are not! Don't try to fool us again otherwise you really will have lost your aunt and uncle! We will be prepared to forgive you once you've worked it out, and I mean really worked it out! Good luck for the future you're going to need it!