The experiment was done at beam port 2 at the safari-1 nuclear research reactor the object was placed as close as possible to the scintillator screen to minimise geometric unsharpness and to improve the geometric resolution to 0.088 mm/silce as standard practice the neutron transmission projections of The object were made at every 0.96 rotation interval through 360 thus giving 375 Projection the exposure time for each projection was 25 s at 12bit effective dynamic range of the 16-bit andor ccd camera system the radioactivity build-up during the three hour scans took seven days to decay during which time the object was kept in a shielded safe a certificate was issued with the sample which declared it clear of any radioactivity
The reconstruction of the 2d radiographs was done through octopus software 8 and the visualising of the 2d into 3d through vgstudiomax software 9 analysis was performed on the yx-,yz- and xz-planes and through 3d reconstruction tomography with the aid of segmentation image enhancement and especially pseudo colouring of the grey values the analysis was successfully concluded
The outcome of the neutron radiography revealed new information on the structure and composition of the horus statuette it also confirmed two previous assumptions about the statuette firstly the method of manufacturing and secondly the belief that some restoration work had been done previously these outcomes are discussed in detail below