Donald Trump is a well-known leader with his charismatic and autocratic leadership styles. He is known as a skilful developer and an extraordinary deal maker who has achieved a great deal of success in his business and made his name as a brand. However, his attitude and behaviour draw criticism from the people and media especially on his style of managing things.
Donald Trump has received heavy criticism in year 2011 as he questioned Barack Obama’s citizenship status and doubt his credentials to be the president of America. Donald Trump has become a regular commentator on politics while he is holding a reality show “The Apprentice” which he eliminates people with his catchphrase “You are fired!” One of his best known incidents in political arena was insisting that the President Barack Obama to produce a long-form copy of his birth certificate. He was unsatisfied with Obama and argued that there was lots of evidence showing that Obama was born in Hawaii.
In addition, he even criticized Barack Obama as a bad student and claimed that the re-election of Barack Obama in 2012 was a “sham and travesty”. Donald Trump has also slammed Barack Obama regarding the riots rage in Baltimore by insulting him for not taking any action when Baltimore burns through his twitter. His actions angered the public and he was slammed with heavy criticism on his big mouth. He then announced that he would not run for the president post in the 2012 U.S. election due to the “Birther” issue, which discredited his reputation politically. However, he said that he is considering running for the president in 2016 U.S. election but the Wall Street Journal and NBC News poll on March revealed that 74% of republicans viewed Donald Trump in a negative way.
Donald Trump has been criticized on his arrogance of being over-confident, which makes people feel ridiculous and unhappy when he talks. In MSNBC interview, Donald Trump has been asked about his failures by the interviewer Michael and what he said was “I don’t think I have big failures. Donald Trump has always been very successful.” The statement that he made gave him a very bad impression of his cocky attitude and arrogance. As a chairman of the board, he even tried to avoid the responsibility of the incident where Trump Hotel and Casino filed for bankruptcy protection three times within in six years. This has creates doubt about his ability in managing a business in the people’s mind.