When a boy was sixteen, and a girl was twelve they each had a ceremony. They wore jewelry such as white beads for boys and red shells for girls. A short time after this ceremony, the parents began to think of marriage for their children. During the ceremony the couple was blessed by the priest who prayed to the gods. The was believed to open up trade between the two families.
The priests ran governments, ruled cities, led ceremonies, and proformed many other jobs.
The Mayan Civilization was made up of independant city-states, there wasnt a centralized government uniting the independant city-states, the people who ruled were kings and queens, and each city- state was eached ruled by one person. Leadership passed from one king to the next. The rule was passed down from generation to generation. Authoritarian claimed to be gods and expected everyone to save them without question including human sacrifice.They also had a class society made up of diffrent levels slaves, peasents, craftsman, nobility,priests, leaders.
Besides wealthy kings men in the tribe were warriors, some worked in the fields or farmers who went out and got the crops going and or sold the food , and some were also builders who built great stuructures and monuments. Some were also weavers and potters and cleared the routes through jungles and swamps to access trade networks.
Royal Mayan women offen married into another royal family in far away city-states. This helped strenghten trade and helped them form alliences.Some of the royal women served as queen as well. The not wealthy women made pottery and were weavers which was very common.