A native potato producer has a daily average income of 83.59 Peruvian nuevos soles (32 dollars). In farms, wages are currently between 15 and 20 Peruvian nuevos soles per day (5.6 to 7.6 U.S. dollars)
The approximate percentage of informality in the region is about 60%.
Potato production is carry out by independent farmers, some are part of producer associations and others are part of rural communities.
The main sources of income for rural communities are the sale of native potato, oca, elm, barley and in some cases, small animals such as guinea pigs.
Potato producers make use of small areas of land (of 1-3 hectares), with low productivity and a weak connection to the market and also located above 3,300 meters.
The rural farmer communities have no access to any credit, only producer associations formally created and registered in the Public Registry and feature RUC (Registry of Taxpayers)