The reduction of species richness and natural habitats as a result of unregulated human activities in protected areas threatens our wildlife and leads to an endless man—animal conflict.
The strategies for achieving a policy of wild life management will include:
• Integrating bio-diversity management and conservation.
• Expansion of the DWC’s responsibilities and equipping it with a greater degree of professional skills.
The conservation of elephants and concomitantly mitigating the human-elephant conflict which will be given the high priority.
* Determining the carrying capacity of protected areas, which will increase the sustainability of protected areas through zoning and corridor development.
* Strengthening the DWC’s skills, which will enable them to manage protected areas effectively.
* Improving wild life research which will contribute towards effective management decisions.
* Developing and improving infrastructure facilities within the protected areas, together with habitat management.
* Visitor facilities in national parks will be developed to cater to the satisfaction of tourists.
* Establishment of optimum protected area network in the Northern and Eastern Provinces that conserve the biological diversity while protecting important watersheds and opening up opportunities to facilitate ecotourism development activities.