Despite the comparative effectiveness findings, some limitations of the study should be noted. First, the sample had limited racial and ethnic diversity; replication of the study with more diverse populations would be desirable. Second, 24% of participants enrolled in the study withdrew prior to completing the interventions, which prevented adequate testing of hypotheses. The findings obtained from this study enable estimates of effect sizes for a future larger study. It should be noted that other studies experienced similar rates of attrition from group-based interventions.38,39 This study required a significant time commitment with a predefined group schedule and participants were randomly assigned to treatment group. Of the 16 participants who withdrew prior to completing their assigned intervention, 7 withdrew due to scheduling conflicts and competing time demands. Whether greater retention would be achieved by allowing participants to self-select their intervention condition requires additional research. However, non-randomized designs pose threats to validity. Finally, the long-term impact of the MB-EAT-D and SC interventions beyond 3-months is not known, and future research should evaluate the long-term impact on outcomes.