FDD differs from Scrum and eXtreme Programming in demanding that a team invest just enough effort at the beginning of a project in exploring the structure of the problem by building an object model of the problem domain. Unlike the formal object modelling or other analysis and design activities in waterfall-style approaches, modelling in FDD is a cross-functional, collaborative, and time-boxed activity. The resulting model has just enough detail to form a good shared understanding, vocabulary (what Domain-Driven Design calls an ubiquitous language), and conceptual framework for the project. In addition, the modelling activity uncovers just enough knowledge to build a really good product backlog (called a Feature List in FDD) and initial, overall release-level project plan - See more at: http://www.step-10.com/SoftwareProcess/FeatureDrivenDevelopment/index.html#sthash.OttTLuA5.dpuf