A black hair, grips a Mawei, the solemn facial cast, is lending the ice-cold aura, what is most important, cultivation of this young people are, is unexpectedly same to gold Weie, is Fourth Rank Half Emperor.
„Yan Xie?” However, compares in other people, Chu Feng is actually in the heart one happy, because he already recognized, that newcomer is the Qingmu domain, flame clan junior most powerhouse, Yan Xie.
Chu Feng really has not thought that Yan Xie will also come here, he has not thought that cultivation of Yan Xie for the progressive unexpectedly also such rapidness, more than one year of time, he became Fifth Rank Half Emperor from First Rank Half Emperor.
Right, Yan Xie at this moment is not Fourth Rank Half Emperor, but is Fifth Rank Half Emperor, he hid has repaired is.
But he conceals the truth other people, have not actually been have hidden the truth from Chu Feng, Chu Feng has seen through Yan Xie cultivation is really.
„This girl, is Chu Feng argued thank you. Gets down, here gives me to be able.” Yan Xie said to the hot pepper.
Hot pepper not hesitant, but hurries to graze , after the big radish and small radish support by the arm, has fallen back on the Chu Feng side.
„Are you Chu Feng?” At this moment, gold Wei wickedly regarding Yan Xie that halfway kills, was full of the resentment to read.
„I am not Chu Feng, but is the Chu Feng friend.” Yan Xie said.
„Can you for him over?” gold Weie asked.
„In this world, can with only have Chu Feng that I fight, but you have not matched to be my match.” Yan Xie said.
„Extremely arrogant.” gold Weie is angry, during the speeches a palm rumbles, intrepid Martial Energy, changes to a shining Martial Energy mountain, comes to the Yan Xie oppression from the horizon above, in a blaze of passion he, gets rid is kills to incur.
However, facing the gold for the wicked offensive, Yan Xie is actually the facial color does not change, approaches when until that boundless Martial Energy, Yan Xie lifts the arm, moved the sleeves gently.
Moment when its sleeves move, immediately strong winds writings, the Martial Energy Jinshan that not only the twinkling changes to that Martial Energy blows the smashing, that strong winds have covered gold Weie, the silver to wickedly, the copper for the wicked three people, sweeps across.
After that strong winds, gold Wei the wicked three people, are the clothing are tattered, the whole body was pouring of blood on the ground, although was also living, may actually only remaining the one breath.
„I have said that is my match, you have not matched.” Yan Xie once again redundant road.
„Unexpectedly is Fifth Rank Half Emperor, he also hid unexpectedly has repaired is.”
„So the age, is Fifth Rank Half Emperor, actually this child is, unexpectedly such?” At this moment, the people praised without cease.
„, Cannot think of Chu Feng, really has such friend?” Big radish and small radish, is a face is surprised.
„Chu Feng is in the human the king, his friend naturally also non- common generation, how otherwise to match to be the Chu Feng friend?” Hot pepper face self-satisfied saying.
Hears this words, the big radish and small radish are resigned-looking, being in a stew of hot pepper for Chu Feng, already was in the insanity situation, perhaps in her mind, nobody has been possible to compare with Chu Feng.
„Cannot think of Chu Feng that coward, your this kind of friend.” However at this moment, in crowd, a white clothing man, is the foot pedal is void, has stepped onto the horizon slowly.
This man, pretty, deep conceal is leakproof, may only look at one, the people then realized, this man, unusual generation.
Because of the aura of this white clothing man, is Fifth Rank Half Emperor.