Then, Lin Ruoxi has turned around resolutely, walks toward the building in crabbedly.
Yang Chen stands in same place, the Lin Ruoxi words make him somewhat dumbstruck.
To return returns, wants to walk walks
Looks walks up to the building step by step, appears the back that is utterly exhausted, Yang Chen suddenly felt intense restless with fear, as if Lin Ruoxi walks is not the two buildings in villa, but is the parallel line that can never intersect!
„Wait / Etc.! Lin Ruoxi you halt to me!” Yang Chen shouts greatly.
Lin Ruoxi form, but has not turned round, but stopped in the midway, silent did not speak.
Since the marriage, this has been Yang Chen first time calls her full name, calls that seriously.
Yang Chen deeply shouted inspired, sound track: „Lin Ruoxi, if next time comes back late, I will certainly telephone. Although, some people wait for my matter at home, for me, has not been familiar with very much ; Also, for that and others I, but the words that the matter that must telephone, late comes back, must show why matter, for me is very difficult, because in my past more than 20 years, not such custom, therefore has neglected, hopes that you can understand me. However , if late, I will telephone, will also give the reason.”
„You, this family, is not for me anything is not human, anything is not place. Absolutely, is not”
Lin Ruoxi slightly supine raising head, then slightly ran up to the building without making a sound, runs back own bedroom, closed.
Yang Chen long vented anger, the corners of the mouth have smiled crabbedly, turns head to look around all around of downstairs hall, some little time, has closed the electric lamp, goes upstairs the rest.
Next morning, Yang Chen placed the head to imitate the cell phone of electricity early to vibrate.
Yang Chen has grasped conveniently, puts the ear to put through.
„Husband morning greetings, have not awakened by noise you.” Another is the Rose timid regards.
Yang Chen closes one's eyes, smiled, „asked something already known, situation how?”
„In the right way the secretary and Chief Cai coordinate, Dongxing has been short of these many important owners and rudder hosts, last night attack did not have any meaning actually. Time that Zhou Guangnian has not revolted against, but arrives goes to his home finally, the matter is somewhat strange.”
„How strange law?” Yang Chen asked sluggishly.
Rose said: „Is I arrives there with Chief Cai together, we see, Zhou Guangnian before we arrive, had been massacred, a spear explodes the head . Moreover the death appearance is very strange, kneels on the ground.”
„Other aspects?” Yang Chen does not have cares.
„Zhou Dongcheng ran away with some of his trusted friends, cannot hold, because of the blocking time of army, only then to this morning, therefore held him to be quite difficult.” Some Rose regrettable tunnels.
„All right, he is not any ambition person, does not need to feel embarrassed him specially, so long as completed some guards to be good.”
„I also think, therefore made the following person clean up the aftermath, paid no attention to him.” Rose said with ease that „husband, you continues to rest, I have been busy”.
„Do not be tired, can put something they to do to Little Zhao, Rongrong, your sharp receives, should make them obtain some benefits, after all the spy does not feel better.”
After hanging up the telephone, Yang Chen does not have the thoughts to rest again, is the two-day weekend, Yang Chen planned just in time the finish breakfast went to the hospital to see Yuan Ye directly, after all this is the matter of primary importance at present.
After downstairs, Mother Wang the steaming hot breakfast will have put on the western dinner table, what this morning eats is the rice, because on the tabletop has suspended many cold dishes and hot vegetable.
Yang Chen sees Lin Ruoxi not to go downstairs, will whisper that little girl not to be angry at heart is not willing to see itself, but will not have the means that if will excel at rushing to others boudoir, that may unable to bear.
„Uncle, you get down, last night late came back very much, is well, the young lady with me worried finally very much you”, Mother Wang comfort said.
The Yang Chen doubts asked: „Mother Wang, what meaning?”
„Yesterday finished eating the food time, the Cai Family two young ladies telephone, making the young lady not go out, said that was Zhong Hai was unsafe last night, but the uncle you always did not go home, the telephone did not pass, we worried very much the uncle had the matter.” Mother Wang said.
A Yang Chen train of thought tuck dive, remembered Lin Ruoxi to roll up the appearance last night on sofa, an innermost feelings shame, she indeed should have a fit of temper to herself, was not only waiting for itself, but also felt alarmed and anxious for oneself.