Every day, tens if millions of men and women commute between home and work, and much of that commuting is done by car. As the number of cars increases on the road, the longer people have to sit in traffic, and the less free time day have for things they enjoy. for commuters stuck in traffic, even opening the window to get a breath of fresh air is impossible because of the choking fumes from polluted air. Traffic has become one of the modern world's worst nightmares.
New research shows that stress form commuting may linger long after people have gotten out of the car, and it can have a nagative impact on the physical and psychological health of workers and their families.
In a research study, researchers studying commuters found that driving under stressful conditions can actually cause or contribute to high-blood pressure or stroke. Also, for some reason, the worst in people seems to come out during traffic jams. they get so frustrated that they decide that the traffic lows don't apply to them. In order to beat the traffic, they start driving on the shoulder of the road on try to get in the lane where the traffic is moving the fastest. This results in less maneuvering room for other cars and slows the traffic even more, which causes more frustration and stress.
Here are some tips that traffic experts offer for handling those stressful times in traffic.
• Avoid rushing out of the house in a panic in the morning. Get enough sleep and allow enough time for morning routines, including a good breakfast.
• Learn a new route that uses side roads; perhaps they aren't quite as clogged during rush hour.
• Start carpooling. For some people, driving with others decreases the the stress of commuting. Carpooling also means fewer cars on the road.
• Make exercise part of your routine. The beneficial effects of exercise have been proved. Exercise increases cardiovascular fitness, relaxes muscle tension, and lowers blood pressure. Commuting often involves sitting for prolonged periods of time, which can cramp muscles and reduce overall flexibility.
• Avoid the evening rush. Leave work half an hour later.
•Skip driving altogether. Consider using the bus or the train or other public transportation.
lf you must commute, use the time that you spend in the car to your advantage. Play a tape or a CD, and listen to your favorite music, or learn a new language. Doing something productive might just take the edge off the ten-mile traffic jam up ahead. As a safety precaution, make sure your gas tank is full, and carry a bottle of water and some snacks for an emergency.