This experiment is to compare the average delays of the vehicular traffic between the Normal Flow Intersection (NFI) and Continuous Flow Intersection (CFI). Where the major street is a 3 lane road and the minor street is also a 3 lane road. The cycle time for both the intersections is 120 sec. NFI is having 4 phases with 2 sec amber time and green time for phase 1&2 is 35 sec and for phase 3&4 is 25 sec . CFI is having 3 phases with 2 sec amber time and green time for phase 1 is 50 sec and for phase 2&3 is 35 sec. The vehicle composition for both NFI and CFI is same and that is 40% two wheelers, 35% cars, 15% auto, 5% buses, 5% HGV and the traffic behavior is changed according to the Indian traffic conditions. The need to study with different traffic volume is because to understand the behavior of avg delay with change in traffic volumes and even the road width is increased considering that in near future the roads may be widened. Fig 7 to fig 11 shows the graphs for the corresponding data.