Thanks for the travel information on Thailand. I would definitely like to return to your country. The photos look beautiful and makes me wish that I were there right at this moment.
I went to the gym this morning and the air conditioning was broken so I was not able to do much cardio as the person on the treadmill next to me was sweating so much that it flew onto me. I will go to the pool and water jog for 30 minutes and then I have to go to the bank and then to the store to buy some carpet cleaner as Gracie shit on the guest bedroom floor during the night. She does not appear to be sick and she went to the bathroom right before we went to bed last night when I took her out for her last walk.
Due to the rain, the LSU baseball game was not played last night and was put off until today at noon. It will be on tv so that is how I will spend my afternoon.
Hope you enjoyed your movie and your time away from the office.