Fingerlings of rohu, L. rohita (Avg. wt. 20 2 g) collected from the
Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar
fish farmwere stocked in 500 l FRP (Fibre Reinforced Plastic)
tanks and kept for quarantine and health check. Healthy fish after
quarantine checkwere acclimatized for 30 days in 400 l chlorine free
tap water and fed with commercial diets (Godrej, India). Water
exchange (30%) was done daily and water quality was monitored
throughout the experiment. Temperature was 28 1 C, dissolved
oxygen concentration was 6.0 0.4 mg/l, ammonia-nitrogen
concentration was 0.04 0.03 mg/l during the study period.
Fingerlings of rohu, L. rohita (Avg. wt. 20 2 g) collected from theCentral Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswarfish farmwere stocked in 500 l FRP (Fibre Reinforced Plastic)tanks and kept for quarantine and health check. Healthy fish afterquarantine checkwere acclimatized for 30 days in 400 l chlorine freetap water and fed with commercial diets (Godrej, India). Waterexchange (30%) was done daily and water quality was monitoredthroughout the experiment. Temperature was 28 1 C, dissolvedoxygen concentration was 6.0 0.4 mg/l, ammonia-nitrogenconcentration was 0.04 0.03 mg/l during the study period.
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