combination therapy (ACT), long-lasting insecticidal nets
(LLINs), and information, education and communication/
behaviour change communication (IEC/BCC) for LLIN use
[4]. After the introduction of these interventions, the number
of confirmed malaria cases in Nepal declined substantially.
Based on recommendations from the internal and
external evaluation of Nepal’s malaria control programme in
2010, the country has been preparing for a pre-elimination
phase since 2011. It has recently adopted a long-term
malaria elimination strategy with the ambitious vision of a
malaria-free Nepal by the year 2026 [3,4,6]. However,
relatively little attention has been given to systematic
analyses of the existing malaria data that are collected by the
routine health surveillance system of the country. Moreover,
there has not been any review of malaria in Nepal that
addresses the epidemiological and entomological aspects of
malaria transmission. Reviews of lessons from a country’s
malaria control history help to develop flexible strategies for
achieving malaria elimination goals [7]. Hence, this paper
aims to highlight the past milestones, the present malaria
situation in Nepal, and the challenges for future prevention
and control strategies that need to be mastered to pave the
way towards malaria elimination in this country
combination therapy (ACT), long-lasting insecticidal nets(LLINs), and information, education and communication/behaviour change communication (IEC/BCC) for LLIN use[4]. After the introduction of these interventions, the numberof confirmed malaria cases in Nepal declined substantially.Based on recommendations from the internal andexternal evaluation of Nepal’s malaria control programme in2010, the country has been preparing for a pre-eliminationphase since 2011. It has recently adopted a long-termmalaria elimination strategy with the ambitious vision of amalaria-free Nepal by the year 2026 [3,4,6]. However,relatively little attention has been given to systematicanalyses of the existing malaria data that are collected by theroutine health surveillance system of the country. Moreover,there has not been any review of malaria in Nepal thataddresses the epidemiological and entomological aspects ofmalaria transmission. Reviews of lessons from a country’smalaria control history help to develop flexible strategies forachieving malaria elimination goals [7]. Hence, this paperaims to highlight the past milestones, the present malariasituation in Nepal, and the challenges for future preventionand control strategies that need to be mastered to pave theway towards malaria elimination in this country
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