Smoot e cream There is a mixture of natural vitamin e. Refresh and extend the life of the new skin cells created phiokratun it works on reducing scars skin care natural jojoba oil, soothing invigorating freshness of skin cells and see there is water changes a double slate-tension, reduces wrinkles plang wither Aloe Vera, herbal extracts, natural. Reducing postpartum belly stripes scars and blemishes caused by acne and words.
A mixture of natural vitamin e to help revitalize the skin and stimulates new skin cell, it works on reducing scars wrinkles.
Jojoba oil naturally nourishing, soothing invigorating freshness of skin cells and have a sparkling shine. -Reduces wrinkles in my withered
Aloe Vera extract (Aloe Vera) reduces abdominal scars after childbirth alkaline a point pattern caused by acne.
Prevent wrinkles by Centella extract Essence (CAE) to work with Vitamin E that dermatologists found that will help you enhance your skin to heal out wrinkles and prevent new wrinkles. Healthy skin. See young teens