This is to certify that …..….. MASTER...VISARUT…..SUEBSODA……………….…
Student number………...08758………….He was born…....21…..August.....2004.......................
His father name is......................................................-………………….………………………..….....
He mother name is……..MISS..JANTANA…..CHUEAIRAM.………………………………...
He has been studying in Prathomsuksa 4/4 Of academic year 2/2015 of Aksorn Pattaya School.
He is a good student. He has got a good behaviour.
Given on 11 February 2016
This letter can be used only 60 days, starting from the issued date.
The school allows students to travel abroad during the May 11, 2016 to May 31, 2016