The above equations were estimated as single equations as opposed to a system of equations since the indirect effects are expected to be minimal and insignificant,given the nature of pineapple markets, and if any would result in a negligible simultaneous equation bias. The types and levels of market integration are determined by the significance of the regression coefficients of Pit-k and Pjt-k and the index of market concentration (imc). Tests of market integration were used to determine the degree to which two o r more markets for pineapple were jointly influenced by parameter affecting supply and demand, and were analyzed as follows. Where; dik = 0 and djk = 0 for k =1 and 2, k = 0 is not considered relevant since the transportation of the fruit and transmission of the price information by market actors cannot be instantaneous, this would indicate complete market segmentation thus no market integration. Also, if dik = 0 but djk ¹ 0, or dik ¹ 0 but djk = 0 for k =1 and 2, there exists a one-way market integration. Finally, if dik¹ 0 and djk¹ 0 for k =1 and 2, there exists a two-way market integration.