The potent actinomycetes selected from secondary screening were characterized by morphological and biochemical methods. Morphological methods consist of macroscopic and microscopic methods. The microscopic characterization was done by cover slip culture method (Kawato and Sinobu, 1979).The mycelium structure, color and arrangement of conidiospore and arthrospore on the mycelium was observed through the oil immersion (1000X). The observed structure was compared with Bergey’s manual of Determinative Bacteriology, Ninth edition (2000) and the organism was identified. Various biochemical tests performed for the identification of the potent isolates are as follows: Casein hydrolysis, Starch hydrolysis, Tween 20 hydrolysis, Urea hydrolysis, Esculin hydrolysis, Acid production from sugar, NaCl resistance, Temperature tolerance.