The adoption of an ASEAN Blueprint at
the following 13th ASEAN Summit held on 20
November 2007 in Singapore was to serve a
coherent master plan guiding the establishment
of the AEC. While the ASEAN PoliticalSecurity
Community and the ASEAN SocioCultural
Community aim to promote a
peaceful environment within the region
(ASEAN Secretariat, 2009a) and build a just
and enhanced society (ASEAN Secretariat,
2009b), respectively, the AEC envisions a
single market and production base along with
a competitive economic region, an equitable
economic development and a region integrated
into the global economy (ASEAN, 2011).
The adoption of an ASEAN Blueprint atthe following 13th ASEAN Summit held on 20November 2007 in Singapore was to serve acoherent master plan guiding the establishment 4of the AEC. While the ASEAN PoliticalSecurityCommunity and the ASEAN SocioCulturalCommunity aim to promote apeaceful environment within the region(ASEAN Secretariat, 2009a) and build a justand enhanced society (ASEAN Secretariat,2009b), respectively, the AEC envisions asingle market and production base along witha competitive economic region, an equitableeconomic development and a region integratedinto the global economy (ASEAN, 2011).
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