One of the best ways to practice tough management without being
a tough guy is to stop what you’re doing, look around your group or
department or company, and identify someone who needs and
deserves a pat on the back. With business going so fast and everyone
so busy, at every level, there often is little time to think about being
thankful for what is at work, or to take time to say “thank-you” to
someone else. Executives, managers, and employees who are working ten-plus hours a day with less than an hour of free time might
feel hard-pressed to feel thankful for anything to do with work.
Many can be thankful for still having a job, considering the millions who have lost their jobs due to downsizing over the past few
years. You can be thankful that the majority of companies plan to
increase their number of employees over the next year.
You might thank your superiors for that promotion or raise, or
thank them for not promoting you, since you are stressed enough
Thank a customer, whether business-to-business or consumer,
for buying your product or service. Without customers, there is
no business.