• Within the win-win partnership, buyer and
supplier share goals as well as inherent risks
through joint planning and control, seeking to
create a supply chain with increased information
flow and enhanced loyalty.
• Like the overall goal of supply chain
management, such coordination allows for
improved service, technological innovation, and
product design with decreased cost.
• Ideally, the end result for both firms should be
decreased uncertainty, yielding greater control
of costs, cycle times, inventory, quality, and,
ultimately, customer satisfaction.
• Within the win-win partnership, buyer andsupplier share goals as well as inherent risksthrough joint planning and control, seeking tocreate a supply chain with increased informationflow and enhanced loyalty.• Like the overall goal of supply chainmanagement, such coordination allows forimproved service, technological innovation, andproduct design with decreased cost.• Ideally, the end result for both firms should bedecreased uncertainty, yielding greater controlof costs, cycle times, inventory, quality, and,ultimately, customer satisfaction.
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