Coordinated targets are to be implemented for and between the different modes of transport (public transport, individual motorised transport and non motorised transport). These are to be supplemented with original approaches to transport related problems. One of the points of focus is to ensure that detailed planning for individual modes of transport pursues the objectives, principles and priorities laid down in the programme section of the Sectoral Transport Plan3, which is geared throughout to sustainable development. The programme section was adopted by the Federal Council in 2006.
Another area of emphasis, «infrastructure fund – financing infrastructure» ensures that transport infrastructures are financed in accordance with the planning requirements of the Infrastructure Fund, according to sustainability principles.
A third point, «strengthening public transport», will apply the maintenance, modernisation and expansion of the railway infrastructure, and the creation of suitable institutional structures, to achieve the targeted shift of traffic on to the railways and public transport respectively.
Meanwhile, «strengthening non-motorised transport» will introduce targeted measures to achieve an increase in the proportion of total individual mobility accounted for by journeys on foot, by bicycle, etc.