Guava fruit has a characteristic flavor, to which its acidity (pH 4.0 to
5.2) contributes [6]. It is a rich source of ascorbic acid, containing over
100 to 300 mg/100 g. The drying process is also capable of causing a reduction
in ascorbic acid content of the juice due to oxidation and temperature
change. There is also potential for use of an instant guava
powder in formulated drinks, baby foods and other products. Transportation
costs would be reduced significantly when shipping this product
to distant markets. However, the detailed information about guava
powders does not exist in the literature. Guava has the best nutritional
properties and drying operations must be carefully designed to maintain
these nutritional properties. Nutrient retention in different temperature
and after drying must be investigated to determine temperature
effect and water activity level or moisture content effect on guava
juice and to design the best drying process. Therefore, to utilize the produce
at the time of glut and to save it from spoilage, the development of
low cost processing technology of guava is highly required. It will also
generate enough opportunities of self-employment by starting small
scale processing unit or a cottage industry that will be remunerative
to the growers.
Guava fruit has a characteristic flavor, to which its acidity (pH 4.0 to5.2) contributes [6]. It is a rich source of ascorbic acid, containing over100 to 300 mg/100 g. The drying process is also capable of causing a reductionin ascorbic acid content of the juice due to oxidation and temperaturechange. There is also potential for use of an instant guavapowder in formulated drinks, baby foods and other products. Transportationcosts would be reduced significantly when shipping this productto distant markets. However, the detailed information about guavapowders does not exist in the literature. Guava has the best nutritionalproperties and drying operations must be carefully designed to maintainthese nutritional properties. Nutrient retention in different temperatureand after drying must be investigated to determine temperatureeffect and water activity level or moisture content effect on guavajuice and to design the best drying process. Therefore, to utilize the produceat the time of glut and to save it from spoilage, the development oflow cost processing technology of guava is highly required. It will alsogenerate enough opportunities of self-employment by starting smallscale processing unit or a cottage industry that will be remunerativeto the growers.
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