Go get your goals
Goals – everybody has them but not everyone achieves them. It’s easy to say that life just gets in the way, but the secret to fulfilling goals is taking specific and strategic steps to making your goals become a reality. Whether it’s a short or long term goal, following these simple steps will be sure to get you motivated to set and achieve your goals!
There are many different goals that one can set, but in order to narrow down where to start, it is first critical to decide what is most important to you. Once you have narrowed down several of the most important things, it is then easier to set and develop your goals from there. Below is a list of some ideas to spur your goal setting.
Charitable Giving
After identifying the categories in which you will focus your goals, it is then time to hone in on the more specific goals that you wish to attain. First think of goals that you could achieve in one week, then one month, and then one year and beyond. Doing so will help you keep your goals realistic and also provide you with a timeline to achieve each goal. It is also important to develop SMART goals, meaning goals should be:
Specific – Goals should be specific and detail exactly what you want to accomplish.
Measureable – When goal setting, it is best to quantify what exactly you hope to achieve.
Actionable – When thinking and planning for your goals, it is best to have an action behind each one.
Realistic – Keeping goals realistic to your life is key. Don’t compare your goals to what others are doing. Do what is realistic for you in this moment in your life.
Timely – Goals should be paired with a timeline for each. If you want to accomplish something in one month, try setting goals for each of the four weeks to ensure that you meet the goal when the month is over.
You’ve determined your specific goals and the timeframe for each. Now what? Here are a few more helpful tips to ensure that you stay on track to meet your goals.
Write down your goals: By writing down your goals, the goals seem more concrete than when they are just floating in your mind.
Re-visit them frequently: Re-visiting goals will keep the timeline of each goal fresh in your mind and also remind your progress in reaching each.
Share them with others: Sharing your goals with select individuals in your life can be a big motivator when attempting to reach goals. When other individuals are aware of the goals you are trying to reach, they can help to keep you accountable and also be motivators in helping you get them accomplished.
It is important to not overlook the power of goal setting. Whether in your personal or professional life, goal setting will help you to reach the things in life that are important to you. Attaining goals and moving on to even larger goals thereafter can be one of the biggest motivators. It’s time to stop making excuses for failing to reach your goals. With these tips, you are sure to see success and achieve beyond what you imagined. Ready, get set, go set those goals!