CABSA and SABI databases collect information of financial statements of companies
obliged to file in the Spanish Registro Mercantil. Most farms have no legal obligation to
disclose financial information because of their small size and legal form, and usually do
not write up accounting. Only the small proportion of farms that by their legal form are
trading companies must file financial statements in the mentioned Registro Mercantil.
However, there is no other public file for financial statements from Spanish farms.
The small proportion of farms from our sample using fair value can be explained in
terms of the Spanish obligation to use the historic cost, stated in the accounting
standards number 3 and 13 of the Spanish Plan General Contable. Market value is only
allowed when cost price is higher. The 8
rapport of accounting principles of the
Asociación Española de Contabilidad(AECA) recognising the possibility to use market
prices in agricultural and mining companies under certain conditions, is a mere
recommendation of a professional association. Some of the few firms using fair value
allege difficulties in calculating historic cost and/or the recommendation of AECA.