In the study, BF fraction (100 μg/mL) showed the highest total phenolic OH OH O O OH3C HO HO OH trans-pinocamphone eugenol neo-iso-3-thujanol cis-sabinene hydrate Molecules 2012, 17 9702 (164.1 μg GAE/g DCS) and total flavonoids content (69.4 μg RE/g DCS)
In the study, BF fraction (100 μg/mL) showed the highest total phenolicOHOHOOOH3CHOHOOHtrans-pinocamphone eugenol neo-iso-3-thujanolcis-sabinene hydrateMolecules 2012, 17 9702(164.1 μg GAE/g DCS) and total flavonoids content (69.4 μg RE/g DCS)