Effects of cassava stem cortex extracts on sporulation of fungal isolates
There was a significant reduction (P≤0.05) in sporulation of the fungal isolates on cassava extract-PDA media when compared with control treatments (Table 2). Extracts from cultivars 30211, 91/006 84, 30572, 91/00313 and 91/003 44, showed an inhibitory effect on sporulation density between the ranges of 52.1-85.7% across the fungal isolates . However, extracts30211 and 91/006 84 showed a consistently higher inhibition in sporulation in all the isolates , with a mean inhibition range between 75.2 and 85.7% . Extracts from cultivars 88/013 36 and 88/025 49 recorded the least inhibition of sporulation in all the isolates, being within the range 11.4±1 7.7% across the four isolates.