Thank you so much for the lovely message that you send to me my sweet darling, I'm very glad and proud to know such a lovely lady like you my honey, thank you so much for that. I will be coming to Asia by tomorrow evening by 7.45 PM London time. so i will be arriving in Asia, precisely Malaysia on Saturday by the special grace of God for the contract negotiation which will take place on Monday/ Tuesday by Next week. I called you today on your phone, but you did not pick it up. "I love you, in my mind where my thoughts reside, in my heart where my emotions live, and in my soul where my dreams are born. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MY SWEET HONEY" i wish you good luck and a very lovely dreams tonight, thank you and take care of yourself for me, bye.
I give you my heart, keep it and take good care of it and take good care of it, but please don't break it.