Very little is known about the microbial safety of pulque. It is highly
probable that both nectar and/or pulque can be contaminated with
pathogenic bacteria since they are exposed to contamination sources
in the agave plant, during nectar collection, transport and fermentation.
In addition, food safety practices are normally inadequate during
the pulque production process. Although pulque is clearly important
in Mexico, its production remains artisanal. This is largely due to the
lack of or limited access to information on the frequency and behavior
of pathogenic bacteria (e.g. E. coli O157:H7) in nectar and pulque.
Thermal treatment equivalent to pasteurization eliminates any nonsporulated
pathogenic bacteria possibly present in pulque, but no
data is currently available on the time and temperature limits required
to eliminate these pathogenic bacteria in this beverage. Therefore,
research is needed on thermal death in non-sporulated bacteria
in pulque to identify time and temperature limits and produce a safe