Hello! This is Sngkn Kim from Seoul National University. I think you already informed our visit in next week to your university for Korean music concert.
As I talk with Ms. Nongluk Boonthie, I would like to visit to Chulalongkorn University on 8th(M0N) to check concert venue and check some details with you.
Please be so kind give us possible visit time for us. for me morning time wil be better but I can change if you are free only afternoon time.
Here is Thai number of my student(Jingu HAN: 09 9213 5680) if you have any question, I will try to call you on Monday morning via 095 074 6514 or 02 218 4750 which I recieved from Ms. Boonthie. Meantime I contact with Dr. Dr. Premananda from faculty of Music at Chulalongkorn University about our visit.
Also I would like to ask about how many students from Korean Studies of Chulalongkorn University will attend our concert on 12th at 1pm?