He had travelled forward in time to the year 802,701
AD. There, he finds himself in a beautiful paradise inhabited by a
race of small, frail, peaceful creatures called Eloi. He explores
the area but, when he returns, he finds that his machine is
gone. He deduces that it has been put inside the pedestal of
a nearby statue
At night, he begins to catch glimpses of strange, white
creatures called Morlocks. He discovers that the Morlocks live
underground at the bottom of a system of wells. Meanwhile,
he saves one of the Eloi from drowning and she befriends him.
Her name is Weena.
The Time Traveller explores the underground realm of the
Morlocks, using matches to light his way and to keep the
Morlocks away (they are afraid of light). He is unable to find his
time machine and is chased away by the Morlocks.//
Frightened by the Morlocks, he tries to find a place where he
and Weena will be safe from the creatures’ night-time hunting.
He explores the Palace of Green Porcelain (a derelict museum)
and finds more matches and a metal bar which he can use as
a weapon. That night, running away from the Morlocks through
a dark wood, he accidentally starts a fire in which Weena and
many Morlocks die. The Time Traveller returns to the pedestal
to find that one of its panels is open. Inside, he finds his Time
Machine. He escapes in his machine, narrowly avoiding
capture by the Morlocks, and travels into the future, curious to
discover what the end of the world will be like.
He returns, exhausted, to the present time, and tells his story.
The next day, he leaves again, and never returns.