Flavor of bread depends on ingredients (Baker & Mize, 1939; Visser’t Hoft & De Leeuw, 1935) and substances
produced during fermentation (Baker & Mize 1939; Baker, Parker & Fortmann, 1953; Robinson, Lord, Johnson
& Miller, 1958; Salim-ur-Rehman, Paterson, & Pigott, 2006; Visser’t Hoft & De Leeuw, 1935; Wiseblatt, 1957).
Baker and Mize (1939) and Baker et al. (1953) concluded in their studies, that flavor of bread is influenced by
heat reactions in the crust during baking, e. g. maillard reaction. Lindenmeier and Hofmann (2004) also
determined that maillard reaction influenced formation of typical bread flavor.