- MarketSoft could introduce their products to consumers through an indirect channel, as well, to perhaps
gain more of a competitive edge and target a more broad customer base. Small business owners who
shop at Office Depot or Staples, for example, could be exposed to MarketSoft products where they may
have never heard of them before.
- They could do like Mike Dell intends to do, that is, start off slow with one retailer, and then perhaps
move on to other retailers and increase volume, which could prove to be profitable with a new expanding
small business market.
- Having the ASP model that they do, this can greatly reduce cost, time and effort on the part of the
client, therefore making it more feasible for small businesses to obtain their products and services. They
could sell the software bundle for a small fee at the stores, but then charge a monthly fee to actually use
the features of the software under the ASP model.
- If MarketSoft could gain clients that are in this sort of business, to use their software, they could
“strike a deal” with them, and have it be less expensive to actually use an indirect channel.