Start a New App from a Demo
A typical Intel XDK project corresponds to an app and provides a container for your project files and associated settings. There are three main project types:
Standard HTML5 - This project code base uses HTML5 and JavaScript* code, may use W3C* standard APIs, but does not support the use of Apache Cordova* APIs (aka Cordova* plug-ins). It can be deployed as a packaged hybrid mobile app on many platforms (Android*, Android Crosswalk*, Apple iOS* and Microsoft Windows 8*) or as a hosted web app for certain web- or OS-based platforms.
HTML5 + Cordova - This project code base uses HTML5 and JavaScript* code, and supports the use of Apache Cordova* APIs (via Cordova* plug-ins). It can be built and deployed as a packaged hybrid mobile app for Android*, Android Crosswalk*, Apple iOS*, and Windows 8* devices.
Internet of Things embedded apps (Intel® XDK IoT Edition only) - This project code base consists of embedded JavaScript* intended for execution on a Node.js runtime. This project type is only recognized by the Intel XDK IoT Edition. It requires an IoT maker board and is not built like mobile web apps for phones and tablets.
Let’s jump-start this tutorial using a working, HTML5+Cordova demo app as the base for your new app.
This is your first project in the Intel XDK - The Intel XDK displays the START A NEW PROJECT palette in the PROJECTS tab and offers an opportunity to take a Quick Tour when project setup is complete.
You already have active projects in the Intel XDK - Click the PROJECTS tab drop-down arrow to display the YOUR INTEL® XDK PROJECTS dashboard. Then click the START A NEW PROJECT button to display the START A NEW PROJECT palette.