A VPO Knauer apparatus was used to determine Mn of polyols. Toluene as solvent at
90°C and benzyl was used for calibration. DMTA analysis was carried out through
heating rate of 4 C/min from -100°C to 250° C. A Polymer-Lab DSC was used. The
DSC runs were performed under nitrogen using a heating rate of 10°C/min with
sample weight of 10 mg. AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) was used to study of two
phases in network. Surfaces for AFM analysis prepared from fractural area of samples
broken in liquid Nitrogen. The static mechanical properties were carried out by MTS
tensile machine with a separation speed of 500 mm/min. FTIR(Brucker) spectroscopy
was used to study of hydrogen bonding and phase separation of networks.