In order to evaluate the impact of artificial reef on the communities of macrobenthos, from 2009 to 2012, samples were collected in four seasons at the artificial reef area and the control area in Jincheng area of Laizhou Bay from 9 cruises. A total of 35 macrobenthos species (4 phyla, 30 families) were recorded in the two areas, with 30 species in the artificial reef area, and 27 species in the control area. Results suggested that the two macrobenthos communities with different species composition could be discriminated. One community was located in artificial reef area, the other outside the reef area. Planktophagous group was the most dissimilarity-contributing species. The species similarity (Jaccard) of the two areas increased from 37.5% in the first year to 58.6% in the second year. The biomass and abundance of macrobenthos in the artificial reef area respectively increased from 1.00 g · m(-2) and 540 ind · m(-2) in the first year to 1.55 g · m(-2) and 622 ind · m(-2) in the second year, which were both higher than those in the control area. Compared with the control area, the Shannon index and abundance index of the artificial reef area were increased, while the evenness index was decreased. The abundance biomass comparison (ABC) curve showed that the macrobenthos communities were more heavily disturbed in the second year than that in the first year after artificial reef set. It was considered that the macrobenthos community was unsteady at the early stage after artificial reef construction (1-2 years). The physical, chemical, biological and human activities were the main factors influencing macrobenthos community in Jincheng area of Laizhou Bay.