After allowing tomatoes to ripen at 20◦C, ascorbic acid contentgradually increased but significantly only after 10 days of storage(day 14), except for tomatoes previously stored at 13◦C (P > 0.05).In general, there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in ascorbicacid content among pressure treatments at 20◦C. However, hyper-baric pressure treatments were more likely to produce tomatoeswith a significantly higher (P < 0.05) amount of ascorbic acid thanthose treated at 13◦C. On average, ascorbic acid content of toma-toes treated at 20◦C was 18% higher than that of tomatoes treatedat 13◦C. A slight change in ascorbic acid content of tomatoes overtime was also observed by Toor and Savage (2006)