School uniforms would save parents money.
School Uniforms are expensive and have no use outside of the school. A school uniform is only for school, so when the children are out of school, they have to change into their own clothes. So a school uniform is an EXTRA investment.
School uniforms would save parents time. Kids do not have to make up their minds about what to wear in the morning.
How much time does it cost to consider what to wear? If you have to wear a school uniform everyday it can be dirty, so what do you do then? Or you have to wash it the day before, but that takes more time then thinking about what to wear.
Kids whose parents do not want to buy or cannot afford the newest fashion, will be embarrassed or harassed because of their clothes.
Maybe YOU judge people on their clothes, but especially kids don’t have an eye for details like that. They only judge on someone’s character.
Kids social standing would be based more on individual character and less their economic status.
You said the same in your previous argument. But if all the kids on a school wear the same uniform, how could you speak about ‘individual character’??
Lots of gangs use cloths to identify themselves and other gangs.
There are many other way to show on by which gang you belong. So introducing school uniforms won’t exclude gangs.
Some kids use baggy clothes to hide weapons and drugs.
If you really want to do something with that weapon, you don’t have to hide it, because you can threaten the person who wants to take your weapon away.
A uniform is not the way to cut down on school violence.
It is my opinion that school is in the 'business' of learning. School is the place where the next lawyers, bankers, CPA's and Doctors are given the fundamentals of working in this economy. One of the basics of our culture in the working world is conservative dressing, dress code, or even uniforms. What is wrong with sending our kids the message that they are in 'the business of learning' by enforcing dress codes, or even ascribing a uniform?
School is also the place where the next actors, writers, artists, inventors and designers are trained. All these jobs are for very creative persons. And how can someone develop his/her creativity if they cannot even choose their own clothes.
Uniforms make it easy to identify kids who belong in the school and those that don't.
That’s right, but it makes it very hard to see the difference between the students from one school. And that makes the contact between student and teacher very impersonal, because every student looks the same for the teacher.