with BaF2 scintillators,
coupled to photomultiplier tubes of type XP2020/Q having quartz window. The spectrometer had a time resolution of 220 ps. The experimental and procedural details of this technique may be found in Refs. [10,17].Thesource-sample sandwich geometry was used for positron lifetime measurements. One hair bundle was placed on either side of the positron source and the combination was held together tightly by a pair of clampa- ble aluminum plates that had circular holes at the center in line with the source spot (about 2 mm in diameter, deposited at the center of a 1.5 cm2 Kapton foil of 0.0127 mm thick). The thickness of the hair sample in the sandwich was about 2.5 mm, such as to ensure stopping of all the positrons inside the sample. A typical spectrum accumulation time was 2 h with a 17 lCi 22Na positron source, with more than 106 counts under each spectrum. The instrumental time resolution and source correction terms were ob- tained from the lifetime spectrum of a well-annealed (defects free) aluminum by using the program RESOLUTION [38].Thelifetime spectra in hair samples so acquired were analyzed into three
M.N. Chandrashekara, C. Ranganathaiah/Journal of Photoch