„You have broken Life and Death Formation, but your friend has not broken, and now the situation is not very wonderful, she, feared that must die in inside.” Yellow robe old man careless saying , seemed saying a very optional matter.
However, this superficial a few words, in the heart of Chu Feng, have actually raised the difficult situation.
Meaning of yellow robe old man, Life and Death Formation by no means only then one, is not all people, will enter in same Formation.
Should be, everyone, has relative Life and Death Formation.
Although Chu Feng has broken Life and Death Formation, but has rescued itself, is unable to rescue Zhao Hong.
Because of them, radically not in same Formation.
„Do not be anxious, if you want to rescue, can save her actually.” In this time, yellow robe old man once again opens the mouth.
„senior, how should I save my friend?” Chu Feng asked.
„Method naturally has, perhaps but, you must make the enormous sacrifice.” The yellow robe old man said.
„senior please say.” Chu Feng said.
„First leaves should anxiously, this sacrifice, you not necessarily wanted.” The yellow robe old man said.
„senior please say.” Chu Feng duplicated once again formerly spoke the words, but the expression actually became more urgent.
„What's wrong, what sacrificed, do you want?” The yellow robe old man asked once again.
„junior wants.” Chu Feng should, not having half minute to hesitate decisively.
„Oh?” At this moment, the yellow robe old man, turns the head finally, goes to Chu Feng the vision.
When that two vision, sweep to their time, Chu Feng the mind trembles immediately.
In that moment, he felt that as if two sharp knife blade, pierced their soul.
Strong, opposite party strength, as strong as one type, situation of hard to imagine estimate.
Chu Feng can conclude that this absolutely is not the person of Hundred Refining Ordinary Realm, but came from the Upper Realm master.
Because of Hundred Refining Ordinary Realm, is impossible to have the so fierce master.
However is good because, that swift and fierce vision, but continues the moment, the quick that yellow robe old man swift and fierce vision, starts becomes gentle.
„A little Meaning.” The yellow robe old man smiles lightly, as if looked through any general.
„I arrived here a while, you were first break Life and Death Formation, has rushed to the Three Dao Checkpoints person successfully.”
„However overcomes an obstacle successfully, naturally has the reward, this is your reward.”
The yellow robe old man spoke, the sleeve robe flung, one group of shining mist, then fluttered from the sleeve cuff.
That mist is getting more and more thick, suddenly then from one group, the mist of apple size, changed to one group, covers ten meters place the mist.
„This mist, is the treasure.” Sees this shining mist, Queen Madame the facial color transfers immediately happily.
This mist, not only ray twinkle, is pasting the innumerable spells, Queen Madame sees, this is not the common mist, but can promote Chu Feng cultivation for the mist.
Right, Chu Feng enters in that mist, not only can obtain Martial Power, can comprehend Dao of Martial Cultivation, will repair to promote surely.
„This fog, named True Immortal mist, so long as enters in this fog, it can help you to break through the Martial Ancestor Realm bottleneck, directly becomes First Rank True Immortal.” The yellow robe old man said.
„But, you , to save your friend, then must discard this fog, grants your friend this fog, can you want?”
Spoke this words, the vision of yellow robe old man, has changed, becomes teases, is similar he to conclude that Chu Feng is not willing to grant Zhao Hong this fog, therefore he is waiting to look at the Chu Feng joke.
„In other words, I this mist, grant my friend, can she get out of trouble?” Chu Feng asked.
„Nature.” The yellow robe old man said.
„junior wants.” Chu Feng is very firm saying.
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