If I was baekhyun, I would've done the same exact thing. It's never okay to have your personal space invaded like that. Those fans are annoying and disrespectful af. Beyond the stage and fanmeets, he has an obligation to nobody. He deserves a personal life uninterrupted by psychos following him and shoving cameras and gifts In his face. Considering this happens literally ALL THE TIME, I don't blame him for getting fed up with that shit. It's ridiculous, people act like the exo members aren't supposed to be mad or annoyed when they're constantly being followed and crowded like this, he's a human being, and they are clearly invading his personal boundaries. They're only lucky exo isn't allowed to say or do anything about it, because I'm pretty sure they'd get their feelings hurt real quick. Him and the other exo members must be so tired from their schedules, yet they still can never relax or go out and have fun like normal people, because fans don't respect them enough to keep they're distance and give them the privacy any human deserves. Those girls that do shit like this, and even worse, should honestly be ashamed and disgusted with themselves.