We are pleased to send to you the Thailand Tax & Legal Newsletter, World Tax Advisor and Dbriefs publications.
The Thailand Tax & Legal Newsletter is the latest edition of our monthly newsletter and summarizes recent Thai legal and tax news, especially developments in the tax laws, business laws, regulations, and court cases or rulings issued by the Thai Government authorities. You can find previous editions of the newsletter at Current and past 5 months.
Legal Alert on Resolution to stimulate Thailand property sector.
World Tax Advisor is a weekly bulletin of international tax developments written by professionals from our member firms of Deloitte. The newsletter focuses on the analysis of cross-border tax developments that reflect the dynamic business environment faced by multinationals.
The Legal News is a monthly publication of our Deloitte Legal Thailand practice focusing on the newly introduced Thai laws and regulations, as well as the latest developments of existing Thai laws and regulations ranging from the business to matters affecting our daily lives via summarised court cases or rulings issued by various Thai Governmental authorities.
Dbriefs Webcasts (DBriefs Q4 2015 Program Guide) feature our professionals discussing critical issues that affect your business. Anticipating tomorrow's complex issues and new strategies is a challenge. Stay ahead of the game with Dbriefs that give you valuable insights on important developments affecting your business in Asia Pacific.
We trust that you find the publications helpful. If you have any questions or comments relating to the articles in these publications, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Rajanakarn Bldg. 25th, 26th, 28th Fl.
3 South Sathorn Road,
Yannawa, Sathorn,
Bangkok 10120, Thailand