4.2 Skin Binding
To overcome the skeleton incompatibility between the mocap data and the shape model, we propose a skeleton replacement technique as shown in Fig. 6, that is, we create a new shape model that combines the original mesh and the mocap skeleton. However, the replacement of the skeleton inside the shape model not only changes the internal skeleton 4.2 Skin Binding To overcome the skeleton incompatibility between the mocap data and the shape model, we propose a skeleton replacement technique as shown in Fig. 6, that is, we create a new shape model that combines the original mesh and the mocap skeleton. However, the replacement of the skeleton
inside the shape model not only changes the internal skeleton
4.3 Animation Generation
Given mocap data, the skeleton mapping template and the new shape model with the mocap skeleton, we use MotionBuilder to generate 3D animation sequences. We firstly load the new shape model intoMotionBuilder. With the mapping
template, the skeleton can be directly recognized by MotionBuilder. After importing a mocap file, the shape model can move seamlessly following the mocap motion, shown in 7. Additionally, we can “characterize” the skeleton inside the
shape model, which incorporates the FK/IK optimization algorithms and physical constraints predefined by software. This step employs MotionBuilder’s built-in features to improve some noisy mocap motion. The visual human motionsequences can be recorded by freely placed virtual cameras.
4.4 Summary
Using the proposed pipeline, we overcome the skeleton differences and generate realistic human animation efficiently using any mocap data sets and shape models. Once the skeleton mapping template and new shape model are generated, we can synthesize human motions using any mocap sequence from the data set in MotionBuilder. Additionally, the advanced animation and optimization features provided by MotionBuilder can be easily incorporated. Implementation steps are summarized in Table 2.