The assembly of customised messages is based on a
database that provides numerous pre-defined message templates
in different languages, and in different granularity regarding
the message content and its details. These templates
have to be defined by the authority administrating the TWS
and can be freely configured to serve certain needs, e.g. to
comply with the official tsunami bulletin formats as speci-
fied by the UNESCO/IOC. For each registered recipient, the
message generation is triggered only if the recipient’s area of
interest (AOI) intersects with the affected area defined in the
HCM. Based on the given message type and settings of the
recipient’s profile, e.g. the preferred language and vocabulary,
a specific template is chosen and event specific attributes
are ingested into the message template. Sophisticated filtering
strategies are applied by checking user thresholds against
CAP criticality values provided in the HCM. Figure 6 outlines
the ILC model (further details in Lendholt and Hammitzsch,